Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Talk to him, tell him about Jesus

" Talk to him.  Tell him about Jesus." 
This is what I was told after handing lunch to a man who lives on the streets in Vizag, India.  We were waiting for a few more meals to be brought over to us, so this was my instruction for while we were waiting. 
My first thought was, " Talk to him about WHAT?!?  Can't you see he is HOMELESS? "  I can't exactly ask him how he is doing or how he's enjoying the weather. I had no words.  So I asked what I should talk to him about.  "Tell him about Jesus" was the reply. 
What was I to say?  "Jesus loves you?" , "He cares for you?", "He died for you?" All I could think was how angry that would make me if I were in his situation.  And so, I am ashamed to say, I looked at the pastor I was with and said, "I don't know what to say." 
Ouch. I am, after all, a Christian, have been so for many years. I KNOW Jesus!  I love Him, and love to tell others about Him.  
  I couldn't see past his situation.  I couldn't see past the hopelessness he was living in in the physical.  But I have learned something.  What was being asked of me was not to speak to his situation, but to speak to his HEART
 Jesus didn't come that we may live perfect lives of peaceful harmony.   He didn't come to change our physical situations.  He came to seek and save the lost! (Luke 19:10).  He came to offer us an eternity with Him so that when we are done with this cruel world we have HOPE!!
He came to set the captives free, to renew our minds, to fill us with hope, and to lift our burdens.  He came so that in our times of desperation we have someone to lean on, to find shelter in, and cast our burdens upon.
THAT is what I should have told the man on the street.  To speak to his spirit and give him hope, no matter what situation he may find himself in. To tell him that he has worth, that he has value, in a place where his life screams of worthlessness. Where even other churches in his area cannot understand why we would bother to help him. Many of these people will never even have record of their existence.

 Because the truth is, Jesus DOES love the man on the sidewalk.  He loves him the same as he loves the man in the office, the woman on the bus, the child on the playground. He died for the rich in the mansions, the poor in the shacks, and everyone in between.  He makes no distinction of class or worth- ALL are sinners, ALL have fallen short of the glory of God (Rom.3:23).  
An abundant life doesn't mean one filled with the riches of this world.  In Christ, a man on the street can live in more abundance than the rich without Christ.  
So, what would you say to this man?  What would you tell him about Jesus?  What you believe about the King will determine the way you live your life. It will determine what you say.  Who is your Jesus?  
I believe we need to have an answer. We cannot be caught off guard as I was that day. We need to know the heart of the King we serve so that we can give an accurate picture of who He is to those He died to save. 
May we never be at a loss for words.

Open up, ancient gates!
Open up, ancient doors,
and let the King of glory enter.
 Who is the King of glory?
The LORD, strong and mighty;
the LORD, invincible in battle.
 Open up, ancient gates!
Open up, ancient doors,
and let the King of glory enter.
 Who is the King of glory?
The LORD of Heaven’s Armies—
he is the King of glory.
                  Psalm 24:7-10

Making mistakes and learning,
one day at a time,

Sunday, January 15, 2012

It is a weird thing, travelling and switching time zones.  i managed eight lovely hours of sleep last night, until nearly 6 this morning!  felt amazing after so many hours of sleepless travel.
At this point there are 9 of us who arrived a day early. We met for breakfast this morning, then left for church at 7:30
  The traffic makes me laugh here.  Stop signs that are apparently a waste of material, no helmets on motorbikes, lines that are also a waste of paint! People just honk for everything.  To warn they are coming, to get into a spot, to move out of another.  It actually seems like magic, how everyone weaves in and out, pedestrians included, and nobody gets hurt!  Not the family of 4 on a motorbike, not the women sitting sidesaddle on the motorbikes, nor the children and babies between parents on motorbikes.  It is probably the most facinating thing i have ever seen!
Anyway, i digress.  We went to church held on the top floor of a little apartment building, a congregation of about 20.  I was surprised to see electric guitar, drums and mics!  This is a group of people passionate to be Jesus for their city.  They work days and nights, feeding the poor each week, putting on concerts, prayer each morning and all are invited to come and work at the office for any time they can.  All available hands pitching in.  Such an amazing picture of the body working in unity!
The service lasted 3 hours, and we were on our way, first to the pastor's home for a visit, then back to the hotel.  Today another 20 people are arriving for our team, and training starts tonight! The anticipation of what God has in store for this week is growing...it's gonna be great!

Friday, January 13, 2012

travel so far

wow...that about sums it up.  independent travel is not difficult (until the exhaustion starts to slow brain cells) but it certainly is quiet and a little lonely.  i am currently in the Mumbai airport awaiting my final flight in a few hours!
I have managed to only make minor mistakes and am thankful for helpful people!  a little creepy that all the helpful ones here carry guns,  but at least they can be trusted to keep me safe!
one of my biggest obstacles so far was how to get out of my seat by the window over the 2 sleeping men in the seats beside me! i contemplated standing on arm rests, but ended up waking one up and stepping over both.  not my most graceful moment, but i had to go!  lol
lots of hot curry even in the airplane food!  the weather was 24C when we landed at 1 am, very humid even in the airport. Everyone speaks english, thankfully, although it is very soft-spoken!  What!?!? either i'm getting old or all this flying is affecting my hearing!
i find it interesting how we tend to label people.  When you think of what someone from India looks like, a very distinct picture likely comes to mind.  it really comes down to, people are people wherever you go!  i'm sure the picture will change when I'm in the village, but for now, it's been a good experience and erased a few stereotypes I previously had.  Looking forward to a good sleep tonight, and the beginning of team training tomorrow!! )
cheers for now,