Thursday, July 29, 2010

Time to lighten up!

Ok, so this post is not so super-spiritual. That may disappoint my 3 faithful followers, :) , but you must know, it's time to lighten up.
The sad truth of being an adult is we forget how to PLAY. Our lives are filled with worries, concerns, responsibilities, stresses and duties. And it's as if we think that to let go of all of those, even for one moment, would cause life as we know it to end. HMMM???
I am so thankful that i have a great friend who will listen to me rant, complain, and vent the "uglies" as she calls them. And i am just as thankful that she doesn't leave me in that place. In fact, she won't leave me until she's SURE i have a smile on my face and a plan to leave all the ugly behind.
And you know what? It is AMAZING to me that i can be hurt, wronged, etc., and my CHOICE to forgive and walk forward BREAKS OFF the hold that those feelings have on me! It's my decision to stay mad, frustrated, hurt, or... to not. To simply drop it, focus on what i love instead of what drives me insane, and to have some fun in the process!!!

So, go ahead. Give yourself permission to laugh! Have fun! Drop what you're doing, take off the "adult suit" and play a little. Go ahead.. I DARE YOU! :D

"She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future."
Prov. 31:25.

If the Proverbs 31 woman can take time to laugh, i think we can allow ourselves to indulge a little bit too!
One day at a time,

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

So much to learn

You know, there are a lot of days when I think i have it all together. Kids are happy, chores are done, i'm relaxed and generally enjoying life.
And then there are days like today when i realize that i still have so much to learn! Today's realization came in the realm of parenting.
Being a mom is not an easy job, which i'm sure any mom will tell you. I LOVE being a mom, and my kids are pretty special little people, if i do say so myself!
I got really good at babies, having 4 in 4 years. I knew babies inside out and upside down! And now the baby stage is all a blur, and i have gotten really good at preschoolers. Boy, i have preschoolers down PAT! I even have a pretty good handle on young children, as in lower elementary. I think i have it all figured out!! oldest will soon be NINE. And NINE is not FOUR. NINE is not six or seven even! NINE is a whole new game all over again and on days like today i feel like i'm losing before i even begin! after all, I have never done this age before. This older, more capable, more -mature- yet -still- a- child age.
I am ever thankful, on days like today, that i do not have to do this on my own. My husband, friends and family all have plenty of wisdom to share! The Lord probably knows a thing or two as well, and i'm thinking i should ask Him! :D
New stages in life are not easy. They are new, full of questions and lack of understanding. And like any new stage, when it is over, i will look back on it and think, MAN! do i ever know how to do NINE! but this teenager thing ...WHOA......

Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; He will neither fail you nor abandon you.
Deut. 31:8
One day at a time,

Monday, July 26, 2010


Here is a copy of the letter we are sending out regarding our trip in November.

Dear Friends and Family,
Greetings from the V-Crew!! We’d like to give you an update on all that God is doing in us where NLI, Ukraine, and missions are concerned!
Our trip to Spain in October 2009 was life-changing for us. Our eyes were opened to the incredible needs in Europe, and to the great work that Next Level International is doing to meet those needs. We would like to thank you again for your prayers and support that made that trip possible!
The biggest lesson we’ve learned this year is that the timing between planting the dream and seeing it come to fruition is not OUR timing, and that we needed to learn to ENJOY the process. And WHAT a process! God does not call the equipped, He equips the called! We believe these past 2 years have been all about being equipped. Part of this involves a project our church is involved in, currently partnering with an NLI church plant in the Crimea region of Ukraine. As part of that partnership, we are to send one team a year for 3 years to go and assist in any way we can. The first trip is coming up in November, and Gabe and I will both be going! (My first time in the country!) We will be in Krasni Mak with three objectives for our team of eight:
1) building relationship with the church planters and congregation through being on site for two Sundays, visitation with people, and social-type events.  2)  We will be doing some teaching/training as given opportunity, utilizing the gifts of those on the team.  3)  Exploration is another big one as we intentionally set about to discover what teams #2 and #3 can do.  This will range from opportunities for ministry as well as opportunities for service (such as renovations to buildings, community projects, etc.).
Gabe and I have a second set of intentions as we travel. We will be meeting a couple in Kiev who works closely with NLI in all that goes on in church planting in Ukraine, who we will be involved with in our ministry there in the future. And on our return flight we will be staying an extra 2 days in England, meeting with NLI staff, discussing our “job description”, where we will live in Ukraine, drawing up a budget, and setting a timeline for us to be in Ukraine with our family, serving through Next Level International!! We are thrilled to see our dreams becoming reality!! Our travel dates are November 9th to 25th, 2010.
Would you pray for us? For clarity, direction, safe travels, fund raising needs, and our kids as we’re away? Would you also prayerfully consider assisting us financially on our journey, present and future? To be a part of what God is doing in our lives and in the country of Ukraine? We are trusting God to provide all we need as we step out in faith. Thank you for your love, support and prayers as we take one step closer to our dreams!
Gabe & Darcie, Corban (8), Laura (7), Tase (6) and Jaxon (4).

some information

Ok, so i'm realizing that perhaps i should answer a few questions.
Gabe and I are heading to Ukraine/England for 2 weeks in November. This trip has 2 purposes.
The first is, that our church here is part of a church partnership in Krasni Mak, Crimea, Ukraine. This partnership is financial, as well as we are to send a team each year for 3 years. This fall is the first team, which Gabe and I will be a part of.
The second purpose is to meet with NLI staff in England to discuss/figure out what Gabe and I can/will do in Ukraine with our family, where we'll live, what our budget will look like, etc. Once we come back from this trip we will have a much clearer picture of what things are, and we will begin raising funds and prayer support to go to Ukraine. Our goal at the moment is to go for 2 years with our kids. We will continue to homeschool them in Ukraine, and be able to be involved as a family in ministry there. At this point it looks like we will be involved in helping with church plants, coordinating, networking, as well as organizing teams that come over. This is our idea, and it will all unfold in the coming months!


Ok, so this is our housing situation:
We own a house in Alberta that is currently being rented out and is up for sale. It has been like this for three years, not much moving in the way of houses in that small town.
We have been renting here for the past 3 years, and rent is NOT cheap!
We want to buy a house and land out of town, but realize that because we plan to leave the country, a good caretaker may be hard to find for a large property.
So, our idea is now to buy a house IN town, and possibly sell it once we are back from overseas.
We've been looking at homes off and on since our move here, saw another one yesterday. It's what we need, in our price range, and i'm PRAYING it's the one!!
Oh, how i long to set up my house, to paint, to decorate, to fix up! It's so hard to set up a nest when you don't own it. :(
I'll keep you posted on this one for sure!
but as i say,
One day at a time!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Simple Life

Do you ever get tired from the rush of life? Running around, getting things done, doing all the time! Do you find yourself running into the wilderness, to camp, unwind, relax during the summer? We crave simplicity!
The Bible has some very simple truths that may take your entire lifetime to ponder, dwell/meditate on, to learn from and understand. This was the message at our church this morning.

1. Father God loves me.
This is a simple statement, but is certainly not a shallow one!

2. Jesus died for me.
His righteousness covers all you do!

3. Holy Spirit transforms me.
We don't have to be perfect in order to come to Christ. The more imperfect we are, the more He is able to transform us, change our lives and make us holy!

Psalm 1:1-3 says,
"Oh, the joys of those who........delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do."

Meditate on the simple truths, and allow God to transform you, rooted deep in His word, to produce fruit!

One day at a time,

Saturday, July 24, 2010

just in case you were wondering

ok, so I thought maybe i should explain the title of this page, "Not My Own". It comes from a song i wrote, with that title. this is the chorus:

I am here for you
My life is not my own
The Love of the Father
Has been written in His daughter
His purpose for me is clear
The needs of those who're near
Or far away
To serve and to obey
Cause my life is not my own.

This is my heart, and the heartbeat of our family!

One day at a time,


Follow Us as we Follow HIM!!

Well, this is my very first post! Feels a little silly as i write, not knowing if anyone will ever care to read, but i feel that we are at a point in our lives that some things need to be recorded. I guess it's a good way to keep a bunch of people up to date on what's going on in our journey!

My husband and i are working towards moving over to Ukraine for full time ministry for a few years, hoping to leave within the next 2 years. Our children are 81/2, 71/2, 6, and 41/2. We have been talking and preparing now for a few years, learning and growing as God shapes us into who He needs for this job! It has not been an easy time for us, but it has been necessary. I have learned so much about enjoying the process, and that God does not call the equipped, He equips the called.
I think that more of our story will unfold as days go on, so there's not too much need to put it all here!

Do you ever have a day when you just cannot get out of believing LIES?? Days when you feel fat, ugly, small, sad? These feelings are not put there by the loving heart of God! These lies are meant to bring you down and make you less effective for the Kingdom. I am becoming very aware that we cannot survive this world without a good suit of armor. The enemy takes EVERY chance he gets to pull us down a few notches! Ephesians 6:10-18 talks about the armor of God: the shield of Faith, the breastplate of Righteousness, belt of Truth, the shoes of Peace, the helmet of Salvation, and the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. Ever notice how these are all DEFENSIVE pieces, except for the Sword? God's word is our only offence against the schemes of the enemy, and without it every other piece cannot exist! Because IN the word we find salvation, faith, righteousness, truth and peace. Don't miss a day without spending time in the word, or your defences will be down, and the enemy will prey on every weakness he can find! Don't give him even so much as a foothold in this battle we're in. Focus on the truth in the Word, and allow GOd's heart to speak to your own!

"A final word: Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on all of God's armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil." Eph.6:10-11.
One day at a time,