Monday, July 26, 2010


Here is a copy of the letter we are sending out regarding our trip in November.

Dear Friends and Family,
Greetings from the V-Crew!! We’d like to give you an update on all that God is doing in us where NLI, Ukraine, and missions are concerned!
Our trip to Spain in October 2009 was life-changing for us. Our eyes were opened to the incredible needs in Europe, and to the great work that Next Level International is doing to meet those needs. We would like to thank you again for your prayers and support that made that trip possible!
The biggest lesson we’ve learned this year is that the timing between planting the dream and seeing it come to fruition is not OUR timing, and that we needed to learn to ENJOY the process. And WHAT a process! God does not call the equipped, He equips the called! We believe these past 2 years have been all about being equipped. Part of this involves a project our church is involved in, currently partnering with an NLI church plant in the Crimea region of Ukraine. As part of that partnership, we are to send one team a year for 3 years to go and assist in any way we can. The first trip is coming up in November, and Gabe and I will both be going! (My first time in the country!) We will be in Krasni Mak with three objectives for our team of eight:
1) building relationship with the church planters and congregation through being on site for two Sundays, visitation with people, and social-type events.  2)  We will be doing some teaching/training as given opportunity, utilizing the gifts of those on the team.  3)  Exploration is another big one as we intentionally set about to discover what teams #2 and #3 can do.  This will range from opportunities for ministry as well as opportunities for service (such as renovations to buildings, community projects, etc.).
Gabe and I have a second set of intentions as we travel. We will be meeting a couple in Kiev who works closely with NLI in all that goes on in church planting in Ukraine, who we will be involved with in our ministry there in the future. And on our return flight we will be staying an extra 2 days in England, meeting with NLI staff, discussing our “job description”, where we will live in Ukraine, drawing up a budget, and setting a timeline for us to be in Ukraine with our family, serving through Next Level International!! We are thrilled to see our dreams becoming reality!! Our travel dates are November 9th to 25th, 2010.
Would you pray for us? For clarity, direction, safe travels, fund raising needs, and our kids as we’re away? Would you also prayerfully consider assisting us financially on our journey, present and future? To be a part of what God is doing in our lives and in the country of Ukraine? We are trusting God to provide all we need as we step out in faith. Thank you for your love, support and prayers as we take one step closer to our dreams!
Gabe & Darcie, Corban (8), Laura (7), Tase (6) and Jaxon (4).

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