Ok, i realize that it has been FOUR MONTHS since i last updated this blog! Let's see, what's happened since April?
We finished our school year, went for a visit at my parents house for a week in May. We came home and started packing and moved out into the country in June. July was directing teen camp and driving to Ontario and back for our holidays. And that brings us to August! WHEW!
Some big changes happening for us. The most important is that Gabe is now an independent contracting instructor and H2S safety hand! We officially have our own business, Infinity Safety and Training Services. It's a bit of a learning curve, figuring out how to do the books, etc. but as this is only our first week, i'm sure we'll learn quickly!
With September fast approaching, our school books are ordered and on their way, gearing up for a new year, adding our youngest, Jaxon to the mix. We will be doing Kindergarten, and Grades 2,4 and 5. It's hard for me to believe our oldest will be 10 in a matter of weeks! My piano students are all lined up, 11 at the moment, I am hoping for 15 this year.
The final goal for our Fall is to attend Next Level International's Eurosummit in Coventry, England in October. The summit is a "connecting point, relational event, a sharing of effective ideas and resources so that we can achieve more together than we could separately". During Eurosummit we will be "exploring and sharing about transformation taking place in Europe; transformation economically, socially and spiritually. God is certainly at work in Europe today."(taken from nlieurope.com)
We are excited to be a part of what NLI is doing in Europe! Our purpose for going is twofold. One is to take part in the summit, connect with people we have met and worked with over the past few years, and to see what our role may be with them in the future. The other part of the trip is a 5-day Expo to Crimea, Ukraine, to meet and encourage "some of the most courageous believers on the planet"! We will be travelling with some NLI staff and friends, meeting church planters in southern Ukraine. At the end of this expo we are hoping to meet with one particular pastor in Sevestopol. He and his church are planning to start a Christian school. They are looking for a native English-speaking couple to come and run/facilitate the program, and have expressed interest in having us come! We have many questions, as do they, i'm sure. But we are going to explore the prospect of this job and ministry, to see if this is where God would have us serve! Please pray for us as we prepare to go! We believe God has called us to minister in Ukraine, and we are eager to see what He has in store for us on this trip! Our travel dates are tentatively Oct. 4th-14th. Please pray for our finances, our kids while we are away, and clear direction from the Lord as we seek to serve Him in Ukraine.
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us. We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith"
Hebrews 12:1-2
Jesus is our champion, He has already won! May faith abound in all things that we may spread this truth wherever we go.
One day at a time,