I have been pondering lately what it means to be transformed. Romans 12:2 says,
"Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." (emphasis mine).
In the past, i have read this verse and the word TRANSFORM has jumped out at me. I know that God wants to transform me into His image, to shape me as a potter does clay, to make me into a new creation. I GET the "transform" word.
But today, I must LET GOD.
I tell you, those transformers are not easy to figure out. Grown men (never mind the kids!) need to read the instructions to make the switch. Unfortunately for them, they do not have a choice. If a transformer wanted to remain a robot and NOT be changed into a car, TOO BAD.
And fortunately for us, (or maybe UNfortuneately?) we DO have a choice.
We can decide if we will allow God to change us, or if we want to remain as we are.
We may be satisfied to stay the same, never leaving our comfort zones, and live out our lives content to be so.
As difficult as it may be some days to be molded and shaped by God, I would rather be growing in my faith, maturing in my walk, and possibly helping others to do the same! If I stayed where I was a few years ago, I think I would have given up.
But this is the beauty of what the Lord has in store for us!
He won't leave us where we are.
He has great plans for our lives.
And he doesn't need an instruction manual to figure us out.
Just a little bit of surrender, patience and trust.
What will your finished product be?
When your transformation is complete, who will you be? What will you have accomplished?
When your transformation is complete, who will you be? What will you have accomplished?
It will not be easy, but I guarantee you, it will be GOOD, and PLEASING, and PERFECT.
One day at a time,