Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Ukraine and India!!!

Do you ever wonder if there is more to life than what you are currently doing?  Work, school, finances, social life, church, eat, sleep, do it all over again?  The constant feeling of, "there MUST be more than this!" has not left me for some time.  These past few months have been very challenging for me, in that God has been stirring up in me a desire to DO something.  
Last month we had a guest speaker at our church, Steve Stewart from Impact Nations.  He spoke of the difference between believers and disciplesOne believes and will go to heaven, the other believes and brings heaven to earth!  He spoke of praying for the sick and seeing healing take place before your eyes.  He spoke of practical ways to help the poor of the world, not by sending money only, but by going and teaching certain trades, ie sewing, to help them have a start in being able to support themselves.   
Steve spoke of Journey's of Compassion that Impact Nations coordinates.  People from multiple countries meeting in one country to do dental/medical clinics, pray for the sick, feed the hungry, and to tell people about Jesus.  Their next Journey is to take place in January 2012 to India, and I AM GOING!! 
Visakhapatnam, India lies on the Southeast shores of the country.  A city of nearly 2 million people, combined with over 30 nearby villages brings the population closer to 4 million.
Visakhapatnam is home to India's navy, boasting the only natural port on the entire east coast.

A rich, ancient culture.

We will be feeding the railway people, who are born, live and die on the sidewalks.  Our team will be spending time in the village of Vizag, near the city.  We will be putting on medical clinics as well as praying for the sick and telling people of Jesus' love for them!

I anticipate many things on this trip. Joy, pain, tears, love, compassion, healing.  I am excited to see what God will do for the people of Vizag!
Impact Nations is involved in many projects worldwide.  For more information on these as well as the India Journey, please visit:
Please think about this, as I have been since I first heard Steve speak:
If not this, than what?
If not you, than who?
If not now, than when?

Listening and obeying, one day at a time,

Friday, October 21, 2011

Show me your faith

What is Faith? Many of us as Christians claim to have it. But what IS it?  What do we do with it, and how does it impact our lives, the way we live day to day?  Or DOES it impact us?
Faith, according to the dictionary, is " believing without proof".  In this sense, most of us have faith.  We belive in God, a creator.  We believe in heaven, Christ raised from the dead, the Holy Spirit.  We believe these are possible, that they exist, even though we do not see them.
How does this kind of faith affect our lives?  We may have hope, trust, expectation.  We may find happiness in knowing there is something to look forward to.  Nice and simple, neat and tidy.
Interestingly enough, this kind of faith is the least spoken of in Scripture.  The faith of the bible, according to the Greek definition, PISTIS, is more than hope.  It  means, "assurance, reliance upon Christ for salvation, the truthfulness of God."  It takes the word faith from the WHAT to the WHO.  From a noun to a verb, from the predicate to the subject. (can you tell what we have been doing in Language Arts in our homeschool? :)
Faith is not simply a noun, but seems to switch into an ACTION- RELIANCE on Christ. James 2:14-26 has this heading: FAITH WITHOUT GOOD DEEDS IS DEAD.  I encourage you to read the passage.  Here are a few highlights:
verse 14 says, " What good is it, dear brothers and sisters, if you say you have faith but don't show it by your actions?  Can that kind of faith save anyone?"
verse 17 says, " So you see, faith by itself isn't enough.  Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless."
verse 19: "You say you have faith, for you believe that there is one God. (dictionary!) Good for you! Even the demons believe this and they tremble in terror."
So then, how does faith, PISTIS faith, affect our lives, taking faith beyond a belief system and into action?  The bible says in Romans 3:28 that, " ..we are made right with God through our faith.." but as we can see, faith by itself isn't enough.  The bible calls it DEAD and USELESS, no better than what demons themselves believe!
How is faith evident in your life?  Some great examples of faith are written in Hebrews chapter 11. 
" It was BY FAITH that Enoch was taken up to heaven without dying....BY FAITH Noah built a large boat to save his family from the flood...BY FAITH that Abraham obeyed....BY FAITH that even Sarah was able to have a child...Isaac, ...Jacob,.... Joseph, ...Moses, ...Rahab... " the list goes on!
These people made for themselves a reputation of faith.  I guess it was pretty noticeable to be put into the BIBLE!
What do people notice about YOUR life?  What do you do to put your faith into action?  Do you shut the mouths of demons and rise above their simple belief?
There is a choice: To live your life WITH faith, to have hope, expectation, even salvation! OR  To live your life BY faith (Heb.11!)  Day to day, stepping out, trusting the Lord, living, breathing, identifiable FAITH!!
I believe it is time to stand up. To read your bible, BELIEVE what is says, and to put your faith into ACTION.  We are a called people, with a very real job to do.  This will look different for each person, in each circumstance.  But we must act.  Let God say, " Well DONE my good and FAITHFUL servant" !
Working it out, one day at a time,

Friday, August 19, 2011

way too update

Ok, i realize that it has been FOUR MONTHS since i last updated this blog!  Let's see, what's happened since April?
We finished our school year, went for a visit at my parents house for a week in May.  We came home and started packing and moved out into the country in June.  July was directing teen camp and driving to Ontario and back for our holidays. And that brings us to August! WHEW!
Some big changes happening for us.  The most important is that Gabe is now an independent contracting instructor and H2S safety hand!  We officially have our own business, Infinity Safety and Training Services.  It's a bit of a learning curve, figuring out how to do the books, etc. but as this is only our first week, i'm sure we'll learn quickly! 
With September fast approaching, our school books are ordered and on their way, gearing up for a new year, adding our youngest, Jaxon to the mix.  We will be doing Kindergarten, and Grades 2,4 and 5.  It's hard for me to believe our oldest will be 10 in a matter of weeks!  My piano students are all lined up, 11 at the moment, I am hoping for 15 this year.
The final goal for our Fall is to attend Next Level International's Eurosummit in Coventry, England in October.  The summit is a "connecting point, relational event, a sharing of effective ideas and resources so that we can achieve more together than we could separately".  During Eurosummit we will be  "exploring and sharing about transformation taking place in Europe; transformation economically, socially and spiritually.  God is certainly at work in Europe today."(taken from
We are excited to be a part of what NLI is doing in Europe!  Our purpose for going is twofold.  One is to take part in the summit, connect with people we have met and worked with over the past few years, and to see what our role may be with them in the future.  The other part of the trip is a 5-day Expo to Crimea, Ukraine, to meet and encourage "some of the most courageous believers on the planet"!  We will be travelling with some NLI staff and friends, meeting church planters in southern Ukraine.  At the end of this expo we are hoping to meet with one particular pastor in Sevestopol.  He and his church are planning to start a Christian school.  They are looking for a native English-speaking couple to come and run/facilitate the program, and have expressed interest in having us come!  We have many questions, as do they, i'm sure.  But we are going to explore the prospect of this job and ministry, to see if this is where God would have us serve!  Please pray for us as we prepare to go!  We believe God has called us to minister in Ukraine, and we are eager to see what He has in store for us on this trip!  Our travel dates are tentatively Oct. 4th-14th.  Please pray for our finances, our kids while we are away, and clear direction from the Lord as we seek to serve Him in Ukraine. 
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up.  And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.  We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith"
Hebrews 12:1-2
Jesus is our champion, He has already won!  May faith abound in all things that we may spread this truth wherever we go.
One day at a time,

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Can't build a house without a hammer

We spend a LOT of our lives waiting.  We spend a lot of our lives wondering WHY we are waiting too!!

Waiting for the fish to bite
or waiting for wind to fly a kite.
 Or waiting around for Friday night
 or waiting perhaps for their Uncle Jake
or a pot to boil or a better break
or a string of pearls or a pair of pants
 or a wig with curls or another chance.
 Everyone is just waiting.
~Dr. Seuss

 Have you ever tried to build a house without a hammer?  I know, you are probably thinking, "what does a hammer have to do with waiting?"  Well actually, not much.  :)  But it has a LOT to do with TOOLS.  A builder would not start a house without the proper tools in his belt.  He needs all of the materials, contractors, and tools to take it from a hole in the ground to a finished house on a firm foundation.  I think God works on the same principle.  God will not ask us to GO or DO without first giving us some instruction, tools, and some TEACHING to help us do His will.  He will not put us in a place where we are unprepared or ill-equipped to do the job He requires of us!  And SO.... we WAIT.  We are waiting for a promise, a dream to come true, wondering why it is taking Him so LONG to get us where He said He'd take us?!?!  I have been learning that those moments require me to take my focus off of the "prize" and focus on the process.
The question, is, what are you doing while you wait???

Philippians 1:9-11 (New Living Translation)

9 I pray that your love will overflow more and more, and that you will keep on growing in knowledge and understanding. 10 For I want you to understand what really matters, so that you may live pure and blameless lives until the day of Christ’s return. 11 May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation—the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ[a]—for this will bring much glory and praise to God. (emphasis mine).

Growing in knowledge and understanding requires a desire to learn, and an open, attentive spirit that is constantly wondering, "Lord, what do you want to teach me here?"  To "understand what really matters, so thatt you may live pure and blameless lives....filled with the fruit of your salvation".  And the fruit he is talking about in this verse is your RIGHTEOUS CHARACTER!!  Now, i'm sure if you're like me you have had enough "character building" to last you a lifetime.  Lord, I'm just BURSTING with character, could we move on to the next part please?? 
James 1:4 says, "So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing." 
Now THAT is where I want to be.  I have a feeling it won't happen until we hear some pretty major trumpeting and see a white horse coming out of the sky, but...YES. Perfect and complete, lacking nothing.
So for now, I wait.  I watch. I listen. I learn.  I fill my tool belt a little more each day.  Because I KNOW  He has a plan for me!  And i want to be ready to go when the call comes!  :D

Colossians 1:9-11 (New Living Translation)
9 So we have not stopped praying for you since we first heard about you. We ask God to give you complete knowledge of his will and to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding. 10 Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and your lives will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better.
11 We also pray that you will be strengthened with all his glorious power so you will have all the endurance and patience you need. May you be filled with joy (emphasis mine)
learning to enjoy the process,
one day at a time,

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Cancer and Missing Dogs UPDATE!!

 "no matter what, no matter what i do or don't understand, no matter who is being healed and who is still sick, the lyrics are true.




I just wanted to give a huge PRAISE update on this topic!  The first, on our lovely puppy, Taffy.  On Saturday we got a call from the SPCA.  They thought it might be our pup that had just been dropped off!  So off we went, trying not to get our hopes up.  When we arrived, THERE SHE WAS!! waiting at the front door!  Somebody had obviously found her and fed, bathed, etc, kept good care of her for 3 WEEKS and then decided NOT to keep someone else's dog?!?!! (slight irritation, if you can tell).  Thank you Lord for bringing our puppy home to us safe and sound! 
I think Missy is happy to have her sister home too! :D

More good news, about my uncle.  His biopsy results came back... and it's NOT CANCER!!!
Praise You Lord for your healing touch, for the care you give, and for the plans that you have!

Thirdly, my friend's surgery went well, she is recovering and staying positive, and is about to start chemo treatments.  Thank you God that you are in all of this.  You have no unknown.

Thank you for your prayers, they are so appreciated, and the Lord is listening!! :)
One day at a time,

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My life as a Box Maker

have you ever heard that before?  Who ME??  Why would anybody ever put GOD in a BOX? is that even POSSIBLE??
oh, but it is. 
i think that we have many boxes.  maybe one for faith?  maybe one for finances?  maybe one for relationships, occupation, or our future?
in our Faith box, we say, "I have THIS much, and it fits in here quite nicely! Thank you Lord, for my faith!"
in our Financial box, we say, "I am so thankful for the Lord's blessings, look how full my box is!" or, "Here is my box Lord, please fill it up."
Our relationship box may contain the perfect description of our future mate, our idea of what marriage will be, or can be like.  "Looks wonderful, thank you Lord!" or, "I would be lucky to get this in the least!"
the Occupation box is full of our ideas and dreams of the perfect job, the best salary, benefits, position and title.  we say, "Lord, you have blessed me so much in my work", or maybe "if I can achieve this in my life, i will KNOW the Lord is blessing me!"
finally, we have our Future box.  This one holds all of our dreams of what our life will be like, how it will happen, our hopes, fears, and the unknown.  "Lord, here is my future box.  Isn't it nice?  Inside is a list of everything i've ever wanted out of life.  Thank you very much for taking the time to read it. But please be careful with it, it is very fragile." 
We like boxes. they are square, stack neatly (for those of you as obsessive about storing things as i am!) They contain just the right amount of things, nothing overflowing, spilling out, making a mess.
There is just one little problem:
i think God is claustrophobic!!
and today, i believe he looks like a stick of dynamite, ready to blow that stuff WIDE open!!
the problem with boxes is that they are in our minds, and we try to decide with our FINITE minds what our INFINITE God may or may not be capable of.  
Challenge yourself this week to identify some boxes,
 then allow God into them!
once He's in, they won't be able to contain Him, and you will be left with...
And a life FULL of all the fullness of God.

 "And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.
 Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.
Eph. 3:18-20

 Happy unpacking!
take it one day at a time,

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Cancer and missing dogs

what an unfaithful blogger i've been!  not even sure if people notice or not, but oh well!
It's been a rough few weeks here in the Voorhees house.  My uncle was diagnosed with cancer in his liver.  They're doing a biopsy tomorrow and then surgery i imagine? The same day i found out about him, my best friend emailed me with the news that she has breast cancer (at 31) and will be having a double mastectomy (which happened today).  We lost one of our new pups who we believe has been "adopted" by some random person with no conscience....what else?
a LOT of praying going on in this house, i can TELL you! 
did i mention that this is all leading up to 3 weeks of fasting and prayer, and a special "church explosion" weekend we're having??  the enemy is working overtime on me, i think.  there must be some GOOD stuff coming up that he doesn't want to happen!
would you pray for my friend?  Her name is Eleanor.  She's married, has a little baby boy.  She is young, vibrant, beautiful and strong.  I cannot imagine her recovery, treatment and "new normal" that awaits her..but prayer will lift her up!
My uncle is not optimistic with his prognosis, although nobody's told him not to be. Please pray for his spirit, his will to fight.  Pray that the Lord would be made real to him.

I sat down tonight to sing at my piano, and the song "Healer" came to mind.  I COULD NOT SING IT, only cry and play.  It is just too hard for me today. 
These are the words:

You hold my every moment
You calm my raging seas
You walk with me through fire
You heal all my disease

I trust in You
yes i trust in You

I believe you're my healer
I believe You are all i need
I believe you're my portion
I believe you're more than enough for me
Jesus you're all i need

Nothing is impossible for you
You hold my world in your hands

This song is easy to sing when you have a sore back, or are trying to get over a cold.  It is simple to sing when you know that IF anything went wrong, he WOULD be your healer.  But when it's all staring you right in the face??  I ask Jesus really all i need?  Can i truthfully say that He is my portion?
Because no matter what, no matter what i do or don't understand, no matter who is being healed and who is still sick, the lyrics are true. 
and i wouldn't have it any other way.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Transformers- more than meets the eye??

Ok. I have three boys who ADORE, possibly slightly OBSESS over transformers.  These toys, i'm sure, have come a LONG way from where they started.  They now have levels of difficulty rated on the box!  And let me tell you, they are NOT joking.  The boys tinker, twist, turn, pull, and then (this is the truly funny part) call for ME to help transform them!  Did I mention i'm a GIRL who grew up with SISTERS??  These transformers might as well be a rubix cube for all i can do to get them together!  But like the good Mom that I am, I try, sigh, and say, "I think Daddy can do this...let's leave it for him when he gets home." Because i know that the FIRST thing he's going to want to do after a full day at work, is figure out this man-that-should-somehow-become-a-fighter-plane thing. :)
I have been pondering lately what it means to be transformed. Romans 12:2 says,
"Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.  Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect." (emphasis mine).

In the past, i have read this verse and the word TRANSFORM has jumped out at me.  I know that God wants to transform me into His image, to shape me as a potter does clay, to make me into a new creation.  I GET the "transform" word.
But today, I must LET GOD. 
I tell you, those transformers are not easy to figure out.  Grown men (never mind the kids!) need to read the instructions to make the switch.  Unfortunately for them, they do not have a choice.  If a transformer wanted to remain a robot and NOT be changed into a car, TOO BAD. 
And fortunately for us, (or maybe UNfortuneately?) we DO have a choice.
We can decide if we will allow God to change us, or if we want to remain as we are.
We may be satisfied to stay the same, never leaving our comfort zones, and live out our lives content to be so.
As difficult as it may be some days to be molded and shaped by God, I would rather be growing in my faith, maturing in my walk, and possibly helping others to do the same!  If I stayed where I was a few years ago, I think I would have given up. 
But this is the beauty of what the Lord has in store for us!
He won't leave us where we are.
He has great plans for our lives.
And he doesn't need an instruction manual to figure us out.
Just a little bit of surrender, patience and trust.
What will your finished product be?
When your transformation is complete, who will you be?  What will you have accomplished?
It will not be easy, but I guarantee you, it will be GOOD, and PLEASING, and PERFECT.
One day at a time,

Friday, January 7, 2011

When I grow up...

When I was five, i wanted to be a policeman like my dad. 
When i was eight, i wanted to be a teacher like my mom. 
At 12, a veterinarian.
At 16 a paramedic.
At 17, all I wanted to do was finish high school, do a few years of college, get married and have a family.  Dreams, dreams and more dreams! 
And my family dreams came true!  Exceedingly abundantly more...
And now, I don't know what I want to be, what I want to do, or what God may have in store.
But I know who I am!
I am Mom to four amazing kids who bless me every day.

I am Wife to my wonderful husband of over 10 years.
I am the keeper of my home, teacher of my children, friend to many lovely ladies. 
I am a daughter of the King, a dreamer of dreams.
I dream of music...
I dream of teaching...
I dream of travelling...
I dream of impacting lives for Christ...
I love to dream big.
I would love to know what the future has in store, to be able to dream THAT big.
I would love to know what I will be when i grow up.
But I don't know. 
What i do know, is ...
The One who gives me dreams.
God, who created me with specific purposes in mind, the One who knows my every thought.
I can walk in any direction and He will guide me onto His path. 
He has it all planned out.
And it will be more than I could ever have asked for or imagined!
(Eph. 3:20)
Still walking,
Still dreaming,
Pushing forward,
Pressing in,
No dream is too big!
One day at a time,